🗺w🕸 “I just wish truth and justice were profitable”

John DeVore on digital economy, media and the sisyphean task to come clean through an ocean of media debris.

I thought having an opinion would be easy. It turns out it is not easy. At least, it’s not easy to have an original opinion.

Human beings parrot other opinions too easily. Information is power and opinions are information. Therefore, opinions are power.

They are, however, a very small power.

The kind of power a grade school class clown who farts during moments of silence wields.

Opinion is easy to produce and goes stale quick, like a donut.

One reason opinions are so disposable is that opinions are the easiest kind of information to manufacture. See? I just made a fresh opinion.

There is nothing wrong with the opinion business, but I just don’t think it’s wise for America to transform into an opinion-based economy.

Facts are fussy. It takes work to dig them up and crack them open. Skill. Journalism isn’t cheap. But a fact is valuable.

For instance: “a hurricane is coming” is an important fact to know. “There is tainted lettuce at the grocery store” is another. It is in your self-interest to know facts like “a powerful politician is corrupt.”

I just wish truth and justice were profitable.

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